Life Lessons from my Cat: Embracing Growth and Success

“People aren’t always happy for us when we grow.”
That’s what I thought as I looked up at my cat, Craig, from 30 feet below. Craig, an indoor cat, had climbed a tree while I, in my rush to get to an event, had not.
Craig is usually an indoor cat, but he occasionally tries to get outside. On this day, I was hurriedly carrying items to my car when Craig bolted out, spotted a squirrel, and instinctively chased it up a tree. Next thing we knew, he was 30 feet up and still climbing.
I tried coaxing him down with cat food, popping open a can, and shaking kibble. For a moment, it seemed like he might come down. However, as my son pointed out, “Craigy is having the time of his life – he’s never grown so much as today when he climbed a tree.”
Indeed, Craig was having a blast with a whole new perspective of the world. This, however, didn’t align with my vision of Craig as an indoor house cat who wouldn’t disrupt my plans.
This situation made me reflect on life. Often, when we experience success and growth, it can irritate those who prefer us to stay as we were. Many of us have felt this or are still feeling it.

I promised myself long ago never to dampen someone else’s success. Despite being late (I couldn’t leave him in the tree), I adjusted my expectations. My oldest son agreed to wait it out until Craig came down. After I left, my daughter climbed the tree and “rescued” him. She waited until I was gone because I wouldn’t have let her go that high after the cat, but she did it anyway.
In the end, Craig’s adventure up the tree served as a powerful reminder that growth often requires us to step out of our comfort zones and embrace new perspectives. Just like Craig, who found a whole new world from 30 feet up, we too must sometimes climb higher, even if it means leaving behind the familiar. And while our growth may not always align with others’ expectations, it’s important to celebrate and support each other’s journeys. So, let’s be more like Craig—brave, adventurous, and willing to see the world from new heights, regardless of the obstacles.
Remember, true success comes from not just growing ourselves, but also in uplifting those around us, even when it means adjusting our plans and expectations.
Want to learn more about how to grow with your team?

Theresa Bailey is a bestselling author and exclusive North American provider of PlayDoh Power Solutions Corporate Training