Why Connection Matters Here, There, and Everywhere

Why Connection Matters Here, There, and Everywhere

We are wired to connect. After pandemic upheaval and social isolation, we were changed. When connection is taken away, there are long-lasting and sometimes dire consequences. The Reality We know that social isolation is hard, but did you know that social exclusion can feel like pain? Let’s consider one well known study conducted by UCLA neuroscientist…

Rise Above Life’s Challenges: How to Build Inner Resilience and Thrive

Rise Above Life’s Challenges: How to Build Inner Resilience and Thrive

It’s Mental Health Week and few concepts have been linked more to mental health over the last couple years than resilience. Resilience is a fundamental quality that helps us thrive. It’s what allows us to pick ourselves up after a setback, dust ourselves off, and keep moving forward towards our goals. Or at least get…

Your circle should want to see you win. Your circle should clap loudly when you have good news. If not, get a new circle.

Culling Your Circle

This image popped up on my social media memories today – I shared it four years ago. I think I’ve learned with age (and wisdom) that it really is ok to make your circle smaller if it means having only the people around you who support you. It’s also ok to replace the weak links…

Fund Your Own Training with COJG Grants

Fund Your Own Training with COJG Grants

Invest in the growth of your business and your employees with the Canada-Ontario Job Grant! This funding program can provide up to 80% of the cost of corporate training. Training and professional development offered through Starfish Synergies Inc. can be covered by COJG funding. We offer specialized corporate training solutions to help your business thrive….

A meme that says "Finding yourself" is not really how it works. You aren't a ten-dollar bill in last winter's coat pocket. You are also not lost. Your true self is right there, buried under cultural conditioning, other people's opinions, and inaccurate conclusions. By Emily McDowell

How do you find yourself?

I love this graphic. It captures what we are all experiencing right now. People feel lost, and they feel disconnected. But instead of searching for ourselves, we need to do some remembering. By slowing down, by thinking differently, and by going back to what you know is true about you. That’s where you’ll find what…